About me
My name is Lynn Nyangon. I am passionate about building software that serves to solve a problem in society or improve on an already existing solution.
I am a BBIT(Bachelor of Business Information Technology) degree holder, who through internships, coding bootcamps and online courses has been able to gain knowledge, skills and experience in web development and mobile application development.
Interests & Hobbies
Reading novels
Tech Communities
Web design(HTML,CSS, JavaScript)
News API
A REST API that provides access to endpoints that allow employees to create and retrieve news/articles/posts available to all employees and those available by navigating to a department. Aside from that there are endpoints to create and retrieve departments and users.
Technologies : Java, Spark/Java framework, JUnit test framework, PostgreSQL
Link to projectHealthy Foods Mobile Application
An Android mobile application that provides recipe suggestions taking into account healthy eating. The mobile application consumes the Edamam recipe search API to provide the recipe suggestions
Frontend: XML, Material Design
Backend: Android framework, Java, Firebase
Testing: Espresso, Roboletric
Github Search
An Angular web application that allows users to enter a GitHub username into a form, submit it and view names and descriptions of a person's public repositories. The web application consumes the Github API.
Frontend: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Angular framework, JavaScript
Backend: GitHub API
Wildlife sighting tracker
A Java application that allows users to track wildlife sightings in an area for the purposes of an environmental impact study on the clearcutting of a nearby forest.
Frontend: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Backend: Spark/Java framework and PostgreSQL
Testing: JUnit test framework
Email: lynn.nyangon@gmail.com